Iran Damghan 10,11th Century
This is one of the oldest mosques in Iran. lts construction date is not known with certainty, but it was probably built atop a Sasanian fire temple of the early period. Tarik Hane, or "God's House': integrates a simple Arabic mosque plan with Sasanian building techniques. There are single rows of lateral arcades and the entrance facade extends towards the courtyard. A tripod support system is seen on the kibla side. However, vaults extend towards the courtyard in the form of naves, with three rows of supports on each side, on both sides of the central worship bay.
In the name of God. The exalted govemor Bakhtyar b. Muhammad ordered the construction of this minaret under the sovereignty of the amir, the most exalted lord, F afak al-Macali, may his victory be glorified.
Bernard, O., "lran and Central Asia", in Studies in Persian Art and Architecture, Cairo, Egypt, The American Universily in Cairo Press, 1995.
Godard, A.," The Art of ıran", New York, Washington, Frederick A. Praeger, 1965. Michell, G., "Architecture ofthe lslamic World", London, Thames and Hudson, 1978. Pope, A., "A Survey Persian Art, Oxford, C. 111, s. 933, 1967,
Schroeder, E., "Standing Monuments of the First Period", in A Survey of Persian Art ed, Arthur Upham Pope and Phyllis Ackerman, Tehran, Soroush Press, s.933-934, 1977.