Turkmenistan Dehistan 11th Century
This tomb is located ta the north of the cemetery of Dehistan, which is also known as Meshed. This monument holds a prominent place in the cemetery, but it later became part of an Ottoman social services complex. The ruins in front of the structure were unearthed during excavations in recent years. The courtyard and the arcades are still visible. A ruins of a minaret can be seen in the northeast corner. The patron and the architect of the tomb are unknown. it underwent a major renovation in the 12th century, at which time the section in the north was added. The mud brick was covered with bricks on the exterior and the wall coverings were renovated again in the 17th and 18th centuries. Access to construction is through a gate in the northern comer. The building has a square plan and is covered with a dome.
The dome is surrounded by an octagonal drum on the exterior. Segmented squinches were used tor the transition to the dome. The sides of the tomb were designed with triple niches. There is a plaster decoration in every niche of the arches. The interior of the niches and the surrounding walls are decorated with stylized vegetal motifs and calligraphy. A plaster mihrab in the kibla direction is located inside the tomb, and is covered with rich vegetal decoration. There is no sarcophagus inside the building. Some researchers claim that this construction was a small mosque tor visitors. The dome sections in the east and west are believed to have been added at the same tİme as the ones in the 12th century. A sectİon, with an entrance resembling the balcony of a minaret, and a courtyard were found during the excavations that took place on front facade of the constructİOn. This section must have been added during the Seğuk period.
Atagarriev, E., 'Misrianın Tarihi ve Barada Taze Arkeotogık Maglumatlar", Türkmenistan Yadigarlıkları, S.2/16, Aşgabat 1973, s.2ıvd.
Pugachenkova, G. A .. Puti razvitya architektur Uzhnogo Turkmenistana pory rabovladenyia i feodalisma (Trends in the Architectural Development in South Turkmenistan at the Time of Slavery and Feudalism), Moskova, 1958, s.174. Pugaçenkova, G. A., lskusstvo Turkmenistana, Moskova., 1967,s.113.
Sayan, Y., Türkmenistan'daki Mimari Eserler (XI-XIV.yy.), Ankara, 1999, s. 3942.